Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Healthy Eating Habits and Lifestyle Essay

In today’s American society, many individuals have developed unhealthy eating habits. A study done in 2012 states fifty-two percent of polled Americans thought that doing their taxes was easier than trying to figure out how to eat healthy. There are many things that people look at as hassles to healthy eating rather than looking at the big benefits healthy eating has on someone. Many people think of these issues when they think of healthy eating the cost, the availability of the food, that it is â€Å"hard†, they do not want to diet, and so on. Changing the eating habits of an individual is not as hard as someone would think. Even though eating healthy can save a persons life, Many people would rather look at the â€Å"hassles† to healthy eating because it is easier to do rather than making a big change to their lifestyle. One of the most common things most individuals say is that eating healthy cost too much and the food that is healthy is not always available. Yes during some seasons fruit and vegetables are a little higher in cost. The fruits and vegetables individuals purchase do not have to be fresh produce, they can buy frozen fruits and vegetables during the expensive seasons. Do not buy canned fruits and vegetables though because they are soaked in sodium, preservatives, and high fructose corn syrup. Sure buying fruits and vegetables involves more work than grabbing something from a drive-thru window or even opening a package and cooking it. However, how much work is being sick? Having to go to the doctor and having to miss school or work because eating unhealthy lead to health issues like heart disease, obesity, and possibly even cancer. Yes eating fast food is very convenient and cheap, but eating fast food is more likely to lead to health problems in the future. Eating healthy along with exercise can completely change an individual’s health and wellness. Healthy eating promotes good health that reduces the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even cancer. Even with the health risks people often make excuses to why they do not eat healthy. â€Å"I  am too busy.† â€Å"I do not know how.† â€Å"I do not want to diet†, These are three of the most common answers individuals say when asked why most people do not eat healthy. Everyone has a busy schedule but if everyone wants to continue to be busy and be able to do the things they like to do, they have to be healthy. Knowing how to eat healthy really is common knowledge. One does not have to go on a strict diet to see healthy changes. When eating healthy do not eat out, only take in little sugar, cut out trans fat, cut out â€Å"nonfat† and â€Å"lowfat† products, and high processed foods. Also when eating healthy having a low-carbohydrate intake is a wonderful thing. Also when eating healthy, lower your carbohydrate intake. A low-carbohydrate intake minimizes sugar and starches and replaces them with foods that are rich in protein and healthy fats. Look for â€Å"real food† which is food that humans had available throughout evolution. Stay away from processed, unnatural foods that have artificial chemicals, these foods can cause you to get sick and fat. Yes most people have cravings for pizza, chips, and other things everyone knows is â€Å"unhealthy†. An individual does not want to deprive themselves of what they want, cheating is common when it comes to eating healt hy, individuals need allow themselves one cheat day a week to eat whatever they want. Though with healthy eating can seem hard at times, it comes with big lifestyle changes that are more that worth it. Eating healthy can make substantial changes to someones health, wellness, and lifestyle. Eating healthy has more benefits than anything even exercise. Someone can exercise everyday of the week and still be considered unhealthy because of what they eat. According to MyDebtDiary, as long as long as an individual eats healthy for eighty percent of the time, an individual can indulge in their favorite foods the other twenty percent of the time. Nate Miyaki gives an example, â€Å"Of nine training sessions and thirty- five meals or snacks geared toward body composition improvement a week, that works out to about 20% accounted to physical activity and 80% accounted to diet.† Participating in regular exercise is very important but does not mean someone should eat unhealthy. Eating unhealthy causes damage to an individuals insides. When someone eats healthy they find themselves less tired and they also find that they have less health issues than someone that eats unhealthy. When an individual eats better they feel better. Put good in, get good out. So the better an indivi dual eats the better, the more energy they have, the more  motivation they have, and they feel better as a whole. Within a week of eating healthy an individual can begin to feel better on the inside. When an individual makes the change to eating healthily they will notice that they feel better and have more energy. There are more ways to eat healthier without having to diet at all. A great food guide for an athlete to follow is the Canada’s Food Guide. According to the guide an individual needs about sixty percent carbohydrates, fifteen to twenty percent protein, and twenty to thirty percent fat in their daily diet. Healthy eating is more than just about what an individual eats and puts on their plate. Healthy eating is also about how an individual thinks about food, what they eat, and how they eat. When eating it is important to slow down while eating and realize that the food that an individual puts into their body is nourishment, not as something to scarf down in between work and kids practices. It is always good to try and eat with other people whenever possible. There are many social and emotional benefits to eating with others, especially for children, and it also allows individuals to model healthy eating habits. Another thing that most individuals forget about is how bad eating i n front of the television and computer is. Eating in front of the television and computer often leads to overeating. One of the biggest causes of weight gain is sleep deprivation. Sleep is a necessity to recovery to feel good, and a good nights sleep has a wide variety of positive health outcomes. The positive health outcomes range from a healthier body weight and a lower stress level. When an individual has â€Å"sleep debt† they can not recover it by sleeping more from night to night. Having a set sleep schedule should be a habit and it is crucial to a healthy lifestyle. When an individual is not exhausted or tired it is easier for sleep patterns to change and those changes can disrupt their schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day allows an individual’s body to create a rhythm for a healthy metabolism and energy patterns. When one is having trouble going to sleep there are many things one can do. Removing stimulating items like phones, television, and computers an hour before bed because the screens can over stimulate and distract an individual and make it ha rder for them to fall asleep. Consuming caffeine after three in the afternoon stimulates the nervous system and also affects sleeping patterns. An individual also should avoid large meal before bed. The importance of sleep should not be ignored. Sleep allows the body and brain to shut down and recover which is crucial for possible health conditions. Sticking to a regular sleep routine allows individuals to wake up with more energy and feel less fatigue throughout the day. When an individual begins to eat healthy, the less natural it feels to reach for a cupcake or a slice of pizza when they get hungry. One should not deprive themselves or force themselves to eat healthy, but an individual should simply make a conscious decision of identifying and respecting what feels best for their body in the long run. When individuals eat healthy, they physically feel good and also feel good mentally as well. Individuals who eat healthy mentally have more energy to go out and do things that care and matter to them. Making the decision to practice healthy eating habits has such significant effects on an individuals in so many ways. Everyone should take action and begin to maintain a healthy lifestyle choices as much as possible. Most people need motivation to change, gain motivation from others, keep a diary, and talk to others when tempted to indulge in unhealthy choices. Eating healthy is not all about losing the ability to enjoy favorite foods. It is about gaining things that will have a life long effect. Eating healthy leads to a longer life, the ability to enjoy real, natural foods, a healthy sense of self esteem, and pleasure of having respect for the body and all that it does. References 11 Facts About American Eating Habits. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Belval, L. (2013, December 5). HEALTHY HUSKY: Healthy eating habits. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Braverman, J. (2014, January 26). Illnesses Caused by Bad Diet. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Cho, M. (n.d.). Five Tricks I Used to Beat My Unhealthy Eating Habits. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Conclusion: Living a Healthy Diet for the Rest of Your Life – Intent Blog. (2009, October 6). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Daily, I. (2013, February 1). Healthy Eating Habits Acquired. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from How to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight and Feel Awesome Every Day. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Isacks, K. (n.d.). Weight Loss and Food Diaries | MyNetDiary. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Kunz, M. (2013, December 18). Does Exercise Offset Unhealthy Eating? Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Miyaki, N. (n.d.). The 80/20 Rule of Fitness Nutrition. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from http://nat Sandilands, M. (1999, September 9). Abnormal eating habits ruin health. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from Smith, T. (2011, December 21). Top 10 Reasons Why We Don’t Eat Healthy. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from–top-10-reasons-why-we-dont-eat-healthy#.VEGgj75H21I Traister, J. (2011, January 17). Pros and Cons for Healthy Food Choices. Retrieved October 27, 2014, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Freshman English Paper Oliver Sacks

English Wednesday April 4, 2012 â€Å"Perspective Matters† As children, we learn that there are five human senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Upon reflection and memory, I realize that sight is always listed first in the list of senses. It may just be a reflex or a habit to do so, or maybe it’s just human nature to place high emphasis on sight. Sight is taken for granted by most of us, and when we encounter non-sighted individuals, we have an emotional and physical reaction that we’re relieved the non-sighted cannot see.Reading Oliver Sacks’ case â€Å"To See and Not See†, about a man named Virgil, gives me a new and interesting perspective on blindness. I have a friend who is partially deaf. She and I communicate with visual cues and our communication is helped by the fact that she can hear some sound and can read lips. In contrast, I cannot say I have had an occasion to spend time with a non-sighted person. While reading about Virgil, however, I felt that I was given an opportunity to learn about the life of someone who lives in a world of only four senses.Virgil was born with sight, he briefly lost it at the age of 3 while ill, and at age 6 developed cataracts which blocked his vision and made him functionally blind. The life he lived was a modest one. He â€Å"had a steady job and an identity, was self-supporting, had friends, read Braille papers and books†¦ Life was limited but stable in its way. † (112) He accepted his blindness as simply part of his existence; Virgil’s life was imbued with passivity. At the age of 47, Virgil became re-acquainted with an old girlfriend named Amy. Their relationship evolved into a committed one within 3 years.With Amy’s insistent encouragement, Virgil assented to have surgery to remove one of the cataracts, despite his family’s misgivings over the disruption to his already stable life and identity as someone who is blind. There is a distillatio n of Virgil’s state of being; as I see it, his life is not his own, other people are making choices for him, and he is not asserting himself. Amy and his mother have strong opinions about if he should live with sight or without sight. Virgil himself sits, waiting for them to make a decision about his destiny.And so began Virgil’s passive journey into seeing – again. Virgil’s situation is not unlike Greg’s from Sacks’ case â€Å"The Last Hippie. † While Virgil was about to regain his vision, Greg, by contrast, was losing his; the result of a stealthy tumor slowly stealing his sight. But Greg, like Virgil, initially had concerns when confronted by his differently sighted future. For Greg, he accepted the explanation of his swami about the loss of his vision being due to â€Å"a deeper spirituality, an inner light. † He was â€Å"an illuminate,† a great honor. 43) This explanation pacified him about his vision, as it also b rought him to a deeper spirituality. Despite their concerns, both Greg and Virgil came to accept their destiny being written by other people in their lives. Amy brought Virgil to her ophthalmologist who reviewed his case and ascertained that the old diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa may not have been accurate and he agreed to operate. Before the surgery, Virgil â€Å"could still see light and dark, the direction from which light came, and the shadow of a hand in front of his eyes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (108) Dr.Hamlin did the cataract removal on his right eye, inserted a new lens implant and after the bandage came off, Virgil could see but only after hearing the surgeon speak to him to attract his attention. The first thing that Virgil saw was not concrete or a firm image, but light, motions and colors. This was only a brief indication of the tangled web of sight that was ahead. Sacks states: â€Å"Everyone, Virgil included, expected something much simpler. A man opens his eyes, light ente rs and falls on the retina: he sees. though there had been a careful surgical discussion of the operation and possible postsurgical complications, there was little discussion or preparation for the neurological and psychological difficulties that Virgil might encounter. † (115) While reading about Virgil, I have to come reflect more upon myself and the sense of sight. Very recently, I was diagnosed with early-onset glaucoma. I received this news from my doctor with heightened emotion and anxiety about what I would do if I lost my vision. I am lucky that my doctor immediately did a procedure to stop the progression of the glaucoma and keep my vision at its current state.I try to put myself in Virgil’s place and have become more empathetic to him and his particular circumstance. I think of my friend who is partially deaf; she says she wouldn’t change it for anything; it is who she is. Is Virgil conflicted about his identity now that he can see? When Dr. Sacks meets Virgil, Sacks is struck by the way he acted; that Virgil was exhibiting behavior of someone who looks but does not grasp the full picture. He is â€Å"mentally blind† or the definition of agnosic – the partial or total inability to recognize objects or persons by use of the appropriate sense – in Virgil’s case, the sense of sight.For example, he sees in pieces: notices facial features, not a composed face. Virgil still continues to use the actions of a blind person for everyday living, having Amy, now his wife, to establish lines for him to walk from room to room in their house. He even says he finds walking â€Å"scary† and â€Å"confusing† without touch, without his cane. (120) Virgil is dealing with being disrupted by massive changes: having surgery and getting married. The confusion he feels about walking without his cane is understandable.The cane was his support for a basic of life; another aspect that is taken for granted, putting on e foot in front of another. Virgil’s independence is being encroached upon and there is an erosion of confidence in his abilities that were part of his identity as a sightless person. Additional aspects of his new life were just as jumbled, as disconnected. Virgil couldn’t identify his cat and dog without touching them while visually investigating them. He’s confused by distances, light, sizes, angles and perspectives. Sacks says that â€Å"Virgil was blinded for a minute, until he put on a pair of dark-green sunglasses.Even ordinary daylight, he said, was too bright for him, too glary, he felt that he saw best in quite subdued light. † (131) During the initial testing Sacks’ conducted with Virgil, they went to a zoo for an outing. Virgil was only able to make out an animal by either the way it moved or by specific visual features, such as height. His heightened sense of hearing was noticed when he heard the lions roaring in the distance. He had a request to touch an animal, and was able to examine a statue of an ape. When he touched the statue, â€Å"he had an air of assurance that he had never shown when examining anything by sight†¦. emanding that he renounce all that came easily to him, that he sense the world in a way incredibly difficult for him and alien. † (132-33) Virgil’s non-sighted and sighted worlds joined briefly in the moment when it became apparent he could visually identify more features of the ape only after touching the statue. In Virgil’s journey to see again, he appears to be finding his way by adapting his skills from his past life to his current existence. There must have been a necessity to do so, so as to bridge the gap and to glue together who he was with who he is, and who he is going to be.Otherwise, I could see the confusion, disruption and erosion of independence would become overwhelming to Virgil and could therefore stymie any potential for improvement after the upcomi ng second surgery. Virgil was experiencing periods of severe visual fatigue and spontaneous distorted vision. The fatigue was understandable; his visual system was weak and unstable, not yet practiced and strong. The periods of distorted vision that lasted for hours or days were not as easy to understand, and therefore more of a worry.The continuation of the distorted vision became apparent with displays of what Sacks calls psychic blindness: â€Å"speaking of seeing while in fact appearing blind and showing no visual behavior whatever. † (136) He exhibited another type of withdrawal of sight, emotional, as well. When his family came to town for his wedding, Virgil began to need Amy to lead him around due to blurred vision. His family did oppose the surgery and despite the verity even then they did not believe he could see. Virgil’s emotional withdrawal of sight only ended after his family left post-wedding.Virgil was treated by his family as his former self instead of as his current self; his past passivity returned and he gave them what they wanted: Virgil as a blind man. His current visual identity must have felt threatened. Due to Virgil’s unpracticed and weak visual state, â€Å"that either neural overload or identity conflict might just push him over it. † (138) After the surgery on Virgil’s left eye revealed that his acuity was the same as the right eye, there was some improvement but not as much as had been hoped for. He was able to focus somewhat better and was able to go back to work after the 2 months since the first surgery.Massage therapy was different for him now that he could see his clients. In order to do his job comfortably, he had to close his eyes and function as a non-sighted person. This experience for Virgil made him revert to functioning as blind rather than sighted, continuing his identity confusion. His continuing experiences for the next few months were memorable: experiencing the holidays with sigh t, seeing his family and home in Kentucky, seeing the ballet with Amy. He interacted with his family while exhibiting visual behaviors, a big step towards change for Virgil. The change was arrested by his becoming critically ill with pneumonia.The result of the illness was lack of oxygen to brain, and Virgil’s vision was receding. He acted as though he could see even when he couldn’t; by reaching for things but saying he could not see. Sacks indicates â€Å"This condition – called implicit sight – occurs if the visual parts of the cerebral cortex are knocked out, but the visual centers in the subcortex remain intact. † (146) At this point for Virgil, he is now experiencing even more change; after his health improves and he leaves the hospital, he is attached to an oxygen tank which leaves him unable to work, and therefore having to move from his home.Of course, these changes have an effect on Virgil’s visual and emotional states, as they wou ld on anyone. Virgil is now blind – again. Even though Virgil has rare moments of minimal sight, he has returned to functioning as a non-sighted person. After the all too-human reaction of rage, Virgil himself has expressed an acceptance of his visual situation. Sacks notes, â€Å"Virgil for his part, maintains philosophically, ‘These things happen. ’† (151) As Virgil says, things do happen. My friend lost her hearing as a toddler; I will be losing my vision and prepare myself for this inevitable future.All of us deal with these stages of life and envelop them into ourselves, our identities. There are different definitions of perspective: point of view; representation of objects as they might appear to the eye; a mental view or prospect. To apply them all to Virgil is to see him as he should be seen, without a need to change him and to accept him with and without sight. Works Cited Sacks, Oliver. An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales. New York : Vintage, 1996. Print. —. â€Å"The Last Hippie. † An Anthropologist on Mars: Seven Paradoxical Tales. New York: Vintage, 1996. 42 – 76. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Political Heroism as depicted in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance Research Paper

Political Heroism as depicted in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - Research Paper Example This essay explores the characters, actions, and controversies of the three characters; Valence, Stoddard, and Doniphon, in John Ford’s film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence as a critique of political heroism and an examination of the value, relevance, scope, and limitations of the written law. In the contemporary society, heroism is quite fragile and can be easily destroyed by the media. However, the dialogues between most actors in Ford’s film portray heroism as relative to the level of arrogance an individual can portray. The Man who Shot Liberty Valance sensationalizes the challenges associated with establishing political order in accordance with the rule of law. For example, Stoddard is given credit for killing Liberty Valance who had caused a lot of instability in the town through his violent actions. The wrongful credit enables Stoddard attain great political favors and he ends up a marrying Hallie, a woman who was also loved by Doniphin. Therefore, Stoddard gets fame out of an action done by Doniphon and end up taking away the woman he loved. He even ends up dying unrecognized. Therefore, the man who removed the hindrance to the developments in the town ends up unrecognized. Moreover, Stoddard confesses to a newspaper editor about the true story, the editor ignores the true story and publishes the untruthful one (Stewart, Wayne, and Miles Web). The political aspect of the film focuses on Ransom Stoddard who is considered a hero since people assume he managed to kill the dreaded Liberty Valance. However, the actual hero in the shadows of political reality is Tom Doniphon since he was responsible for the killing under question. The reality of political heroism is evident when shooting of evil Liberty Valance by a civilian is considered a depiction of heroism even in the eyes of law (Stewart, Wayne, and Miles Web). The film addresses the issue of how law shapes the political arena. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Methods Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Methods - Research Paper Example The design also involves administration of pre and post examination test to measure the fluid levels among the participants (, 2013). For this study, a non-equivalent control-group design will be used to allow the researcher to compare the measurements of treatment group with the measurements recorded by the control group. This is intended to determine if there is a variance in in the level of dehydration that can be associated with the administration of diuretics. The control group in this study will be a group of 40 patients suffering from hypertension, who will not be allowed to use diuretics for a controlled period of time within the acceptable medical standards. A pretest will be done on them to measure the level of hydration before the experiment is done and a posttest carried out later. Treatment group in this case will involve another group of 40 hypertension patients who will undergo pretest to measure their level of hydration, then issued with diuretic tablets. A posttest examination will then be carried out on the treatment group to determine level of dehydration. ... Sample and Setting This study will involve a sample size of 80 patients suffering from high blood pressure and are between age 40 and 55. The sample size will be divided into two groups, one being a control group and the other being treatment group. This group of people was chosen because of their health condition and the fact that people with hypertension conditions are medically allowed to use diuretics under prescription of the doctors to help them lose fluids that are retained as a result of their conditions. The study will be carried out at Agha Khan Hospital during clinics schedules in collaboration with the hospital’s administration and the doctors’ guidance. The choice of this setting is influenced by the high turnover number of the blood pressure patients who visit the hospital on a daily basis and the availability of doctors to monitor the control group in case of any effect as a result of the planned temporary deprivation of diuretics. Description of the Powe r Analysis This study used G Power software for the power analysis. This helps to avoid trial-and-error method of finding a sufficient sample size, G Power allowed imputing the desired power of 0.8 as directed together with the given alpha value, which is 0.5 and expected effect size of 0.3 to generate the minimum sample size needed. The power analyzed here gives the probability of whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis. It should be noted that effect size is of 0.3 indicates that there was a small effect. The alpha of 0.5 shows the error or 95% confidence level in the data used or that the researcher is willing to accept a possibility of a 5% chance in the results. Quasi experiments control the intervening variables, since there is a controlled administration of the diuretics to

Ethics and Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Ethics and Governance - Essay Example , stakeholders, suppliers etc it may be an ethical organization but the animal rights activist groups or the individuals who are vegetarians could look upon the activities of the organization as being highly unethical just as the cannibals are regarded as unethical by the majority of people. The subject of business ethics touches upon the frontiers of many subjects which are controversial, in fact it touches upon the controversy of human life, the dilemma of the creation into which we all have been born . To go into detail into even any one of these subjects is beyond the scope of this paper but it is helpful for the reader to be aware of all the other subjects which effect business ethics. Organizations do have some individual values; if they strive for profit making then the value behind it may be self reliance and striving for excellence, this drive for excellence may be highly supported by certain cultures, but in the process the organization may be producing certain outcomes which may not be desirable for certain groups and even for the society at large. For example an organization individually may be releasing very little pollutants in the environment but there are other organizations who also have the same individual value system and the urge to strive for excellence who are also releasing the pollutants and when summed up leads to a huge amount of pollutants in the environment which are harmful to a large number of people, thus raising the need for legal interventions and code of ethics in this case restricting the organization from polluting beyond a certain limit or charging higher environmental tax to the larger polluters. Also the organizations are forced t o comply to ethical standards when they come under pressure from various groups, when they are made to realize how the pursuit of their own interests are harming others or when they are threatened to stop pursuing their own objectives which is proving to be harmful to others then there is a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - Research Paper Example As time passed, the causes and mechanisms of human disease started to become understood. It is true that many new diseases have emerged which may have been nonexistent in previous times. This may be due to the formation of different reservoirs for the spread of disease associated with modernization which has brought the world together and hence has paved ways for the spread of disease from one region to another. The rearing of animals has also been considered to be associated strongly with the spread of diseases. Cows and chickens have been linked with outbreak of diseases which include smallpox and measles in the fifteenth and sixteenth century (Sheldon 2003). Thus, with advancement in technology, the patterns of human disease have been understood. It is believed that changing patterns of human living have led to increase in the number of diseases. Major epidemics of diseases broke out in the world that could not be treated owing to lack of development in the field of medicine. This included the millions of fatalities that resulted due to plague in the first half of the twentieth century. Mutations in genes are also associated with many medical conditions and pathologies. The research in the field of genetics has assisted in assessing these conditions (Robbins et al 2005, Levinson 2008). The human body functions on the basis of many organ systems. The integration of these systems is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. The immune system forms an important system of the human body which assists the individual to fight against invading organisms and to overcome the process of disease. The immune system functions either via the direct action of the white blood cells against the invading organisms or by the formation of antibodies against the pathogens that invade the human body. The skin is the outermost barrier and stops the pathogens from entering the body and it is hence referred to as the â€Å"first line of defense.† The human body functions via two forms of immunity which include the innate immunity and the acquired immunity. The innate immunity is the immunity that every individual possesses which include the skin and the white blood cells. This form of immunity is not specific against particular pathogens and is the trigger of the body against any foreign substance. The acquired immunity is the specific immunity which results particularly after the human being comes in contact with infective organisms. The acquired immunity is enhanced via the vaccines (Guyton et al 2000; Levinson 2008). The lymphatic system of the human body is the system which is directed towards the immunity. It includes the spleen, thymus as well as the bone marrow. The lymphatic system is directed towards the formation of the cells of the immune system as well as the delivery of these cells to the different organs of the human body. It assists in maintaining a healthy immunity of the individual against invasion (Guyton et al 2000). A w ide range of pathological conditions affect the human body. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system of the human body constitute an important set of conditions as they serve to hamper the normal living of an individual owing to their effect on the muscles of the human body. Muscular dystrophies are a set of conditions that affect the muscles of the human body. A dystrophy is basically a condition in which the normal fibers of the muscle become replaced by the fibrofatty tissue. This leads to a loss of functioning and hence the muscles of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Tips for Effective Oral Presentations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tips for Effective Oral Presentations - Essay Example In this easy, some tips on how to make an effective presentation are discussed. The issue of stage fright, which is a major hindrance to making an effective oral presentation and how to manage it, is also discussed. At the end of this discussion, there should be clarity on how one can make an effective oral presentation. Keywords: Oral Presentation, Effective, Stage Fright Introduction When making an oral presentation, it is very important for one to be able to present thoughts and ideas effectively. Oral presentations are usually very popular in job interviews, and especially when one starts working (Gupta, 2008). So everyone is encouraged to practice oral presentation even before friends and family so as to perfect the skill before the very important time. Ones ability in this area can either make or break his or her career. This is because a person can be very hard working in the job he or she is doing, but if he or she does not have good skills in oral presentation, his or her gr owth will not be seen (Aquino, 2008). There are people who have a certain potential for communication, but this does not mean that they are good at oral presentation. The techniques involved would be very beneficial to such people, to sharpen up their skills more. Effective oral presentation skills make a person more popular among colleagues, for example, a manager who has good skills in oral presentation is likely to be popular among his juniors (Gupta, 2008). What is Oral Presentation? Most of the time, people tend to confuse oral communication with oral presentation, but the two are totally different. According to Gupta, â€Å"oral communication is an interactive process of sharing information† (2008, p. 91) with people. Oral presentation on the other hand refers to a proper way of transmitting messages to an audience. It is important to note that effective oral presentations are important for the growth of a company or organization one is working for, especially when the partners or donors of the funds are present. Characteristics of an Effective Oral Presentation Purposeful: When being composed, an oral presentation should be directed to a definite purpose and one that is clear, because it is aimed at conveying a message to the audience (Rizvi, 2005). Interactive: Any oral presentation should involve the speaker, as well as the audience (Rizvi, 2005). Formal: This is what differentiates oral presentation from other forms of presentations. As said earlier, it is usually emphasized during job interviews. Thus, it is usually used in formal situations. Audience Oriented: This means that the topic has to be dealt with from the perspective of the audience (Rizvi, 2005). Importance of an Effective Oral Presentation Employers usually put great emphasis on oral presentation skills, than in any other form of communication skills. Gupta asserts that an oral presentation has the potential to educate, inspire and persuade more effectively than any other individ ual mode of communication (2008). At some point in ones career, he or she may be asked to make a presentation, and this is the reason why most of the business people rank oral presentation skills as among the most important factors responsible for their success. A good oral presentation can work wonders for any person who is looking for lucrative job offer from a company he or she has dreamt of working with

Thursday, July 25, 2019

ISOO 9001 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ISOO 9001 - Research Paper Example This tool is viewed to be high above a standard measure. It touches on the daily practices of an organization therefore, affecting the quality of services (Steyn, 2012). Charts, diagrams and tables are used to illustrate the planning, implementation, control, and documentation of this quality management structure. Below is a sample of a flow chart There are various tools in this system as discussed below; Customer focus In the application of this tool, the organization focuses on the needs and preferences of the customers. The organization puts up a system that ensures there is effective communication between the organization and the customers (Steyn, 2012). The customers are free to make enquiries and recommendations. The organization is able to get feedback from customers. When producing, the organization ensures products are in accordance to consumer expectations. General processes in an organization affect the final product that is released to consumer. Given that the organizatio n focus on the needs of the customers, all the activities are geared towards ensuring that the final products are according the needs in the market. There is good relationship between the customers and the organization, the customers are satisfied by the quality and quantity of the products and they can access these products at fair prices. Organizations that use the customer focus tool; have embraced it because they have been compelled by the customers. Additionally, realizing competitors have embraced this system; these organizations have been left with no alternative (Drori, 2013). The companies have however found this tool to be significant in their performance. 1. Leadership This tool is applicable in the top management level of an organization. The management body, in implementation of this tool, should focus on the communication, planning, provision of adequate resources, and reviews of the performance. It is through good leadership in an organization that the staff is motiva ted and the organizations’ goals are met without compromise. The leadership provides good working environment hence increase in the output (Steyn, 2012). The organization’s reputation and image is improved. It is not possible to underestimate the senior management’s role in an organization. Therefore, the leaders of organization should understand and articulate the organizations goals clearly.   Ã‚   2. Involvement of people In order to realize the objectives of the organization, the top management should work with other people both within and outside the organization. There should be effective communication to ensure smooth operations within the organization (Watson, & Howarth, 2011). Powers and responsibilities of individuals in the organization should be clearly stated. This important because each person is ware is his duties and the ranks are clear. This motivates the employees and reduces conflicts and time wastage. Senior manager should be given the resp onsibility of ensuring overall smooth running of the organization. 3. Process approach The operation processes in an organization should be kept in check. This entails checking performance scope. There should be effective means to control the processes in the organization. This tool can be implemented through developing list of steps to follow in the organization. Additionally, there should be tracking system that enables one to evaluate the production processes (Watson, & Howart

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article Example From research notes, Rosenberg points to the danger of a materialist consumer society, an exact parallel to what the Essay says. 3. (a) â€Å"Frances is an unabashed materialist, a high end version of the mildly-obsessed masses in our capitalist society. The pressure to buy and acquire after all, surrounds all but the most isolated American.† This confirms the Essay’s thoughts about vulnerability of people in a consumer society. The more psychologically fragile suffers most, and the affront is directed not only at adults, but the young as well. (b) â€Å"A materialistic lifestyle is associated with an inadequate sense of security, competence, relatedness, and autonomy.† The Essay also hints at the psychological roots of vulnerability to materialistic consumerism. Frances displays these emotional needs and typifies people in a free enterprise capitalistic society. More basic needs like living standards and education suffer thereby. (c) â€Å"We can’t under estimate the influence of corporations that go to great lengths to convert these products to the promise of emotional fulfillment.† The Essay also makes mention of how corporations use advertising to glamorize products. Consumers thereby lose their sense of priorities in human needs, causing poverty instead of wealth. They even fail to see the true worth in people, seeing only their possessions.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Math 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Math 5 - Essay Example (2) Find two informative websites that cover metric and or customary units and post a link to them. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two sites. Explain which site do you prefer and why? The two informative websites are which presents the commonly used metric system of units and which demonstrates the US customary system of units. In the metric system, quantity pertaining to length, thickness, distance, or girth is measured in terms of ‘meter’ while the customary system consists of inch, foot, yard, and mile (statute or nautical). Based on metric units, the volume may be in millilitre (mL), cubic centimetre (cm3), liter (L), and cubic meter (m3) whereas based on the US customary units, liquid volume is quantified by the units in wide use like ounce, pint, quart, and gallon. I prefer the site for customary units because most people have become accustomed to them especially with reference to commodities in marketplace and other commercial establishments where measurements can be pictured with ease through containers and corresponding shapes that repre sent customary

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gorn Chapter Essay Example for Free

Gorn Chapter Essay What powers awarded to congress in the Constitution of 1787 would an Anti- Federalist be most likely to oppose? Anti- Federalist were against the Constitution all together but most of all, I think the Anti-Federalist were against the fact that the state government’s would no longer have as much power like it did with the Articles of Confederation. The constitution supported the idea of a powerful and strong central government. The congress had the power to tax people, and make rules and regulations as it says in document two. With liberty being the Anti-Federalist’s biggest argument, the federalist got the idea that with all the power congress had, their freedom and rights would be threatened or even taken away and that’s what they feared most. 2. According to the Constitution of 1787, what are the eligibility prerequisites and selection processes for a) members of the House of Representatives Members of the House of Representatives are chosen every two years by the people and the number of representatives each state gets is proportional to the population. The members has to be twenty-five years of age or older, has been a citizen of the United States for at least seven years and shall not be, when elected, an Inhabitant of the State in which he is representing. b) members of the Senate, and Each state has two senators serving a six year term. In the Constitution of 1787, the senate was appointed by the Legislature and must have at least one vote. Members of the Senate must be 30 years of age, been a citizen of the U. S. for nine years, and should not be an Inhabitant of that State. ) the president and vice president? Both the President and Vice president serve in the same term of four years. The person running for president and vice president had to be a citizen of the United States for 14 years and naturally born in the U. S. and they had to be at least 35 years of age. The president had to have a majority vote for a guarantee to be president if not the House of Representatives chose in other situations. 3. Critique the provisions co ntained in the Constitution of 1787 from the point of view of each of the following groups: I think all together the only people who felt they would benefit from the Constitution was the smaller populated states and the African Americans. The smaller States would gain more of a say then being overlooked by the larger States, although in the Constitution they would only have a few representatives for their state, it still was a good outcome because they would at least have some sort of say and opinion in what laws were passed due to the power of their representative’s votes. The Constitution’s main goal was to make sure all states were equal and with that being said, it led up to the African American’s being free and gave a sense of something they had never felt, which was equality. The Anglos and Native American’s had to have a sense of anger because not only did they feel like their territory was being taken away, they also now had to have treaties with America if they were beyond the boundaries of the States, in order to trade or do any business with the U. S. The larger states were probably not as approving of the Constitution because with the greater amount of population in their states’, their governments got to do whatever and all the people had to follow their rules they set for themselves. In the Constitution, Congress is given the power over the whole Country, if a state wanted to make something a law or tax people, they had to get the approval of congress. 4. In which of the six objectives designated in the preamble has the Constitution of 1787 lived up to its promises? In what areas has it not fully achieved its goals? The Constitution was truly meant to be looked upon as a good thing, it was not suppose to cause any harm or uneasiness in the States. I think out of the preamble, the Constitution did eventually achieve success in all six objectives but the biggest issure that most Anti-Federalist had was the constitution not establishing justice or secure the blessings of liberty. If you really think about how the Constitution was made, it was illegal. The writers were only allowed to fix the Articles of Confederation, not make a whole new Government. I think that’s why Anti-Federalist were not convinced about the Constitution because it was done out of secrecy and the writers did not allow for the Anti-Federalist to make a common ground and make the Constitution mutual on both sides, that alone made it seem like the writers were just trying to take over America and make rules that seemed to take away the rights that were important to them. In the Constitution there were specific laws for people’s safety, different forces were to be formed in case of any attack or just to promote general welfare. Although, the army had not been figured out yet on how each state’s army would form together, the idea of the forces coming together for safety was in tact. 5. If you were a delegate to a state ratifying convention, would you have voted for or against the Constitution of 1787? Explain the reasons for your vote. If I was a delegate to a state ratifying convention, I would have voted for the constitution of 1787. The United States were at the point of time were reformation was needed. Although many people at the time were against the Constitution, I think overall it put the United States in a more successful path compared to the problems they were already facing as a nation. At the time prior to the Constitution, State’s had set there own laws that were to be abided by which made the outlook on the country as a whole, unorganized. The United State’s needed a more stable government, with the Articles of Confederation, it was basically like there was no government or any uniformed army in place in case of any attacks from other countries. The Constitution made the United States come together in the long run and a good authority with a fair amount of power was needed in order to get America straightened out. 6. Did the writers of the Constitution of 1787 desire to create a democracy or aristocracy? According to what I read, I think the Constriction of 1787 was desired to be a aristocracy government. It was not until the Bill of Rights came into Constitution that made the United States a democracy. The constriction was first made with no checks and balance system which made the strong central government, have more power than it has today. The government in the Constitution had the power to do many things that the Anti-Federalist felt shouldn’t have the right to have. Many of the people living in the state’s felt their unalienable rights were being taken away slowly so many Anti-Federalist decided to push and continue to get the Bill of Rights passed so the government wouldn’t gain too much power, that everyone felt they wanted.

Mongol Empire and Silk Road Essay Example for Free

Mongol Empire and Silk Road Essay The Silk Road is a touchstone for world history. It was a rich trans-regional vehicle for the transmission of art, religion, science and disease that also affords a glimpse into the politics and economic systems of the pre-modern world. . The Silk Road in World History (Suggested writing time – 40 minutes) You should spend at least 10 minutes reading, analyzing, and grouping the sources. Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Sources 1 6. (The sources have been edited for the purpose of this exercise). The question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical sources. Write an essay that: Â · Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the sources. Â · Uses all of the sources. Â · Analyzes the sources by grouping them in as many appropriate ways as possible and does not simply summarize the sources individually. Â · Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors points of view. You may refer to relevant historical information not mentioned in the sources. Prompt: To what extent did the Silk Road create an interconnected network? What kinds of additional documentation would help assess the role of the Silk Road in creating interconnected network from the 2nd century C.E. to the 13th century? Source 1 Source: Roman historian, Cassius Dio, 164 224 C.E., commented on a celebration the Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, staged in his own honor around 50 B.C.E. If I mention one feature of his [Caesars] extravagance at that time, I shall thereby give an idea of all the rest. In order that the sun might not annoy any of the spectators, he had curtains stretched over them made of silk, according to some accounts. Now this fabric is a device of barbarian luxury, and has come down from them even to us to gratify the fastidious taste of fine ladies. Source 2 Source: Sima Qian, The Records of the Grand Historian, about Zhang Qian, a diplomat who traveled to the court of the Yuezhi for the Han Emperor Wudi, 1st century B.C.E. Zhang Qian was the first person to bring back a clear account of the Dayuan [present day Krygystan and Uzbekistan]. Anzi [Parthian Persia] is situated several thousand li [a little more than a third of a mile] west of the region of the Great Yuezhi. The people are settled on the land, cultivating the fields and growing rice and wheat. They also make wine out of grapes. . Source 3 Source: Faxian, A Chinese Buddhist Monks Travels in India and Ceylon, 399 411 C.E. From this place [Central Asia], we traveled southeast, passing by a succession of very many monasteries, with a multitude of monks . When stranger monks arrive at any monastery, the old residents meet and receive them . Source 4 Source: Anonymous assistant to a Chinese merchant, A Record of Musings On the Eastern Capital, about Hangzhou, capital of the Southern Sung Dynasty, 1235. During the morning hours, markets extend from Tranquility Gate of the palace all the way to the north and south sides of the New Boulevard. Here we find pearl, jade, talismans, exotic plants and fruits, seasonal catches from the sea, wild game all the rarities of the world seem to be gathered here. Some of the hustlers are students who failed to achieve any literary distinction. Though able to read and write, and play musical instruments and chess, they are not highly skilled in any art. They end up being a kind of guide for young men from wealthy families, accompanying them in their pleasure-seeking activities. Source 5 Source: Friar John of Monte Corvino, Letter to the West, one of two letters written to his fellow Franciscans around 1295. John was sent by Pope Nicolas IV to try to make an alliance with the Mongols against the Mamluk rulers of Egypt. I, Friar John of Monte Corvino, of the Order of Friars Minor, departed from Tauris, a city of the Persians, in the year of the Lord 1291, and proceeded to India. And I remained in the country of India, wherein stands the church of St. Thomas the Apostle, for thirteen months, . I proceeded on my further journey and made my way to Cathay, the realm of the emperor of the Mongols who is called the Great Khan. To him I presented the letter of our lord the pope, and invited him to adopt the Catholic faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, but he had grown too old in idolatry. However he bestows kindnesses upon the Christians, and these two years past I am abiding with him. Source 6 Source: Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant who may have worked for the Yuan dynasty, the Mongol rulers of China, late 13th century. This excerpt is a description of Hangzhou, a southern city that was part of the Yuan empire. There are within the city ten principal squares or market places, besides innumerable shops along the streets. . On the nearer bank stand large stone warehouses provided for merchants who arrive from India and other parts with their goods and effects. They are thus situated conveniently close to the market squares. In each of these, three days in every week, from forty to fifty thousand persons come to these markets and supply them with every article that could be desired.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Multinational corporations

Multinational corporations Multinational corporations are businesses that extend outside of their own country, whether they are located throughout the world or only in a couple other countries, they are considered multinational. The value adding activities which are owned by these companies are used to produce tangible goods or intangible services or the combination of both. There are many reasons as to why firms become multinational and there are various strategies for a firm to become multinational. The immediate motives of the Firms can be to expand business, to seek new market, or for additional profits and revenues. It may also be to concentrate on the economics of scale that a larger international demand can bring. The motive behind market seeking activities is strong among firms who have some advantage related to technology or brand which gives them a competitive advantage over domestic rival. Another reason for firms to become multinationals is to secure key supplies. A secure and privileged access to inputs and/or distribution outlets and market access afford many firms especially those in manufacturing, to have a competitive advantage over their less favoured rivals. A firm might also become multinational to have access to low cost factors of production. Factors of production like labour is a major cost factor in Europe and US and gives a competitive disadvantage compared to imports. So firms can offshore production to the host countries and become competitive. Low cost capital through government subsidies is also a strong force to become a MNC. The discussed factors have been well captured in product cycle theory developed by Professor Raymond Vernon. The theory suggests that the first phase starts with product development and innovation in home country as to maintain close linkage between research and production as well as the assumption that similar demand will be created in other similar market. The second stage assumes the product to be matured and production standardized as well as good demand from other market and an important form of revenues from the new business. Also, Competitors will observe the growing demand and try to establish themselves in the markets by setting up production in the importing country and becoming a MNC rather than an exporter. Finally in the last stage many competitors enter the market and focus is more on cost and resource seeking activities. The above discussed factors are traditional motives and the theory lost its power in 80s itself as the business environment became more complex. In the emerging motives the above forces that originally triggered firm to become a MNC became secondary. Increasing Scale of economies, RD investments and shortening product life cycles were not the choices for a firm to become MNC but rather a prerequisite for companies to survive in the business environment. Now the major motive for a firm to become a MNC is to capitalize on competitive positioning in multiple markets and leverage global information access. The above motives are purely reactive and opportunistic to the proactive business decision which sees international markets as major strategic opportunity. The decisions to become a MNC can be purely defensive, for example as a reaction to pressures in domestic markets. Overseas demand can help to offset seasonal or cyclical downturns in domestic demand. It can also be that the domestic market has become saturated or the product is coming to the end of its domestic life cycle. The above discussed motives are rational, logical and there are strategies used to become a MNC but on other hand the motive of firm to expand might be personal ego of managers and also for personal monetary benefit of business managers who want to expand at any cost as the salary might be attached to the volume of the business. These irrational motives create principal agent problem in the future.    Having explored why the firms become MNCs we now look at how firms become MNC. The prerequisites for being an MNC might be to have a distinctive competency to overcome the liability of foreignness and the firm must also have some organizational capability to operate in the global market. Moreover, the host country should also provide some location specific advantages so that the firm have strong reasons to invest there. These prerequisites are very important as they help to define the strategic options available to compete worldwide. The process of firm becoming a MNC starts with a combination of developing strategies, rational analysis and opportunism. Some firms may follow an internationalization model which was developed by Swedish academics from Uppsala. The model describes how a firm enters a foreign market and gains market knowledge by means of commitment of resources and how it gradually develops local capability and market knowledge to become an effective competitor in foreign market through several investment cycles. The firms may use the eclectic paradigm and transaction cost analysis approach which explains the extent, form and pattern of international production and how it is founded on juxtaposition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of the ownership specific advantages of firms contemplating foreign production, the propensity to internalise the cross border markets for these and the attractions of the foreign market for production (Dunning, 1988).   So the entry decision is taken in a rational manner based on the costs of transactions. The firms may also choose to enter the international market by low commitment and low control mode such as by exporting or subcontracting. Exporting is selling goods and services from one country to another. Exporting can be direct and indirect. Direct exporting can be done through agents and distributors. Direct exporting helps to proactively enter the foreign market. Indirect exporting can be done by export houses and confirming houses who are just the intermediaries. There are many contractual forms for international business like management contracts, Turnkey operations, manufacturing contracts, etc. Licensing and franchising can also be an option for a firm to become a MNC. Licensing means there is an agreement that one party can utilise or sell intellectual property in return for compensation. The problem with licensing is that there is a risk of â€Å"leak† of knowledge and intellectual property and after the licensing agreement is over the partner can become a powerful competitor. Franchising which is also a form of licensing, gives certain rights to do business in a prescribed manner to other party in return for royalties or fees. Franchising can take form of manufacture- retailer franchise or wholesaler-retailer franchise and have similar risks that of licensing. There has been a tremendous growth in franchising especially in US AND UK. If the firm wants to penetrate deep in the market and wants fuller involvement and control, the firm can go for a joint venture or foreign direct investment (FDI). Joint venture which is a collaboration of two or more parties can be contractual or equity based. It has the means to overcome restrictions on foreign investments or imports. Firms have to share costs and/or technology and the shared approach permits economies of scale and a potential to enter market. Some joint ventures are formed but the true reason behind it is FDI. FDI might also face problems of disagreements over strategic direction, managerial functions or use of appropriate profits. Cultural difference can also be a major barrier in the joint venture. FDI which is a very high risk strategy can be explained as the establishment or acquisition of income generating assets in the host country over which the investing firm has control. It involves either taking control over established business in overseas market or developing a tailor made business operation. FDI can be broadly classified into two types, outward FDIs and inward FDIs. This classification is based on the types of restrictions imposed, and the various prerequisites required for these investments. The reasons for considering FDI are tariff quotas, tax breaks,grants, subsidies, and the removal of restrictions and limitations. Before opting for FDI a firm might also consider countertrade which is described as the most important trend in international business of emerging economies. It involves an agreement between two parties to pay in goods and services. There are many types of countertrade like barter, clearing agreement, compensation, etc. countertrade can open up trade where there are strict exchange controls or where the countries faces shortage of currency. In conclusion companies can become MNC by gradually moving up the scale from exporting and licensing to high commitment foreign direct investment. Some firms can directly adopt the high commitment strategy due to the maturity of market. In short, none of the approaches are necessarily right or wrong but should be consistent with the overall strategic intentions and motivations of the firm. The firms can start with one option and then by experience move towards another in light of degree of commitment and risk involved, set against the level of control and closeness to market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dunning, J.H. 1989. Multinational Enterprises and the Growth of Services. The Service Industries Journal,9. Bartlett, C.A. et al. 2006. Transactional Management. United States: McGraw- Hill. Whitelock. J. 2002. Theories on internationalization and their impact on market entry. International marketing review,19 Bellak.C. 1994. How Domestic And Foreign Firms Differ And Why Does It Matter?. Journal of Economic Surveys. 18. D. Laughton. 1995.   How firms internationalize their operations in B. Dawes, International Business: A European Perspective. Godiwalla,Y.H. 1986. Multinational Planning- Developing A Global Approach. Long Range Planning, 19.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Faith versus Reason in the Human Genome Project :: Essays Papers

Faith versus Reason in the Human Genome Project Do humans have the right to play God? This question lurks as a major factor when describing the objective of the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project is an "international research organized to characterize the genomes of human and selected model organisms through complete mapping and sequencing of their DNA."1 When the characterization of genes occurs, many technological breakthroughs will result. The idea of having a Human Genome Project was conceived in the mid 1980’s. It is expected to be completed in 2003. "Congress funded the Human Genome Project hoping it would lead to cures."2 Although the Human Genome Project appears to be appealing and beneficiary, it does have its doubters and opponents. One particular controversy is the topic concerning the Human Genome Project is the theme of faith versus reason. The proponents believe that the Human Genome Project can only benefit people by unlocking the codes of certain diseases. Some opponents have created the beli ef that humans could assume the role of God. They feel human lives could be controlled like puppets. The major opponent’s figure by diagnosing diseases of inherited traits, that there will be an effect on topics concerning gene enhancement, evolution, and abortion. Due to the many technological advances, the Human Genome Project could lead to such a thing as Gene Enhancement. Gene Enhancement can be described as "the use of genetic engineering to supply a characteristic that parent might want in a child that does not involve the treatment or prevention of disease."3 By enhancing genes, scientists could basically play the role of God. Proponents of gene enhancement believe that scientists could make the world a better place. Through enhancement of genes, parents can improve their child’s overall well being. For example, if there were a family characteristic of being short, the doctors would be able to change the genes around and make the child tall. Human intelligence could drastically improve, leading to an improvement in world conditions. If intelligence increased, there may be potential for technological breakthroughs. Many, however, oppose the concept of gene enhancement. The opponents feel that the scientists will have too much power. They continue to question the responsibility of physicians modifying a patient's inheritence.4 They feel the diversity God intended to have would eventually disappear. Parents would all want their children to have superior characteristics, therefore leading to a common bond and competition between all children. Faith versus Reason in the Human Genome Project :: Essays Papers Faith versus Reason in the Human Genome Project Do humans have the right to play God? This question lurks as a major factor when describing the objective of the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project is an "international research organized to characterize the genomes of human and selected model organisms through complete mapping and sequencing of their DNA."1 When the characterization of genes occurs, many technological breakthroughs will result. The idea of having a Human Genome Project was conceived in the mid 1980’s. It is expected to be completed in 2003. "Congress funded the Human Genome Project hoping it would lead to cures."2 Although the Human Genome Project appears to be appealing and beneficiary, it does have its doubters and opponents. One particular controversy is the topic concerning the Human Genome Project is the theme of faith versus reason. The proponents believe that the Human Genome Project can only benefit people by unlocking the codes of certain diseases. Some opponents have created the beli ef that humans could assume the role of God. They feel human lives could be controlled like puppets. The major opponent’s figure by diagnosing diseases of inherited traits, that there will be an effect on topics concerning gene enhancement, evolution, and abortion. Due to the many technological advances, the Human Genome Project could lead to such a thing as Gene Enhancement. Gene Enhancement can be described as "the use of genetic engineering to supply a characteristic that parent might want in a child that does not involve the treatment or prevention of disease."3 By enhancing genes, scientists could basically play the role of God. Proponents of gene enhancement believe that scientists could make the world a better place. Through enhancement of genes, parents can improve their child’s overall well being. For example, if there were a family characteristic of being short, the doctors would be able to change the genes around and make the child tall. Human intelligence could drastically improve, leading to an improvement in world conditions. If intelligence increased, there may be potential for technological breakthroughs. Many, however, oppose the concept of gene enhancement. The opponents feel that the scientists will have too much power. They continue to question the responsibility of physicians modifying a patient's inheritence.4 They feel the diversity God intended to have would eventually disappear. Parents would all want their children to have superior characteristics, therefore leading to a common bond and competition between all children.

New Zealand :: essays research papers fc

NEW ZEALAND   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The country that I am doing for my report is New Zealand. New Zealand is made up of two Islands. The north and the south islands. It is located in the south pacific by Australia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first people to settle New Zealand came over from east Polynesia by canoe during the 10th century. These people were called the Maori. According to a Maori legend, a man may have arrived in New Zealand during about 950 ad, but this can not be proven. The Maori people lived on the Island on native fruits and vegetables and animals, and they also brought over plants and livestock from Polynesia. The Maori were usually peaceful, but sometimes had wars over the best land. They lived in earth-made structures similar to the adobes of Mexico.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first European to sight New Zealand was Abel Tasman in 1642. The Maori people kept him from landing on the Islands. They attacked his ship by canoes and killed four of his sailors. He never returned to New Zealand. In 1769, an English explorer, Captain James Cook, was sent to New Zealand on a scientific investigation. He mapped all of the north and south Islands and made reports on trade and colonizing. These reports were good and attracted many people to New Zealand, including the French, Italian, and American explorers. By the 18th century, there were 180,000 Maori people on the north and south islands of New Zealand. During 1840, the treaty of Waitangi was signed between the British and the Maori people. It gave the British a right to colonize the Islands and trade with the Maori people. In 1907, the Islands were declared a dominion of Great Britain. In 1935, It was declared an independent country and was named New Zealand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The present day government and standard of living in New Zealand is very much like that of the U.S. At one time the yearly income of New Zealanders was even better than the U.S. and Great Britain. The people of New Zealand have freedom of religion. The main religion in New Zealand is Christianity, even though there are Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Amish, and many more. The Maori religion is also a major religion. The people of New Zealand have a mix between Britain and Australian accents.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main exports of New Zealand are wool and dairy products. There are over 100,000 sheep in New Zealand.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Adolf Hitlers Leadership and the Government that Follows Essay

Leadership, and the Government that Follows Measuring a ruler’s success can easily be defined in the satire Animal Farm. The spoof is based on a totalitarian leadership. The four main characters in this book are the pigs on the farm. They go against Napoleon’s will and represent the white movement. The reason this story becomes prevalent in the essay is because it shows how few people can turn around a society. Orwell describes in animal farm just how he got his idea for the novel. â€Å"I saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a huge cart-horse along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to turn. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength we should have no power over them, and that men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat.† This is the exact idea that Adolf Hitler had. If the people knew just how much strength they had as a whole, it was enough to over throw the power of one man. In Animal Farm, the pigs didn’t feel as if they were being treated equally and were able to over throw one leader who just so happens to be Mr. Frederick, the tough owner of Pinchfield who portrays Germany, or in finer terms, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was a dictator of the German Nazi movement. He was born April 20, 1889 in the small Austrian town of Braunau. After a prior act in elementary school, Adolf soon became rebellious and began failing in the Realschule, which is a college preparatory school. After going through this dispute he finally left school all together by 1905. He refused to give in to the normal training of a regular job, so he began his years of amateur painting and dreaming of becoming a famous artist. This is the part many do no know of Hitler. He was ver... ...d in a communism no one rules essentially and with no power there are different eqallines which causes unfair rules and ends in the failure of a country. The reason why America is as strong as we are is because we have the democracy needed to have everyone living in peace. There are its downfalls, every country experiences them, yet our strenth as a whole picks us up everytime. It is the strenth created, practiced, and performed by the people which makes America’s leadership the best one to live under. Every person wants the chance to live in America, and its because of the system established that makes it so desirable. Leaders such as Adolf Hitler were great dictators, yet lacked the knowledge to keep their country the strongest in the world. Our laws and legislations are not always fair or right, but they adhere well to everyone and has set guidelines for us all.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Is Junk Food Really Cheaper Essay

Junk food is just to provide some of the heat to people’s body, there is no other food nutrients, or to provide more than the body needs, become superfluous ingredients. Including frozen desserts, biscuits, ham, and canned. Sometime, I was thinking why people like to eat junk food. Many people like eating junk food, because they think it is not only so delicious, but also cheap. Tardily, eating junk food becomes a culture, and it also is a very important problem at this era. Like Mark Bittman said people eat a lot of junk food which had obesity. Thus, the nutrition in people’s body cannot balance. Actually, I agree with Bittman that junk food is not cheaper than real food and cooking should be a culture, but eating junk food is still a culture, and eating right amount of junk food is feasible. Although junk food is not health and cheap, like Bittman said, but I think junk food also is very convenient and appetitive. Since the fast food by the people’s â€Å"favo rite†, it certainly has its benefits; otherwise it cannot become a mainstream food culture. First, when people feel hungry, and they do not have time to cook, when you order at the general restaurant, teahouse, people usually need to wait for some time to have a food supply. Thus, it is not easy to satisfy people. Second, junk food usually uses the high cooking method which has the good color, flavor and taste, such as frying and high concentration of ingredients; those can stimulate people’s appetite. People who is weekday rush and poor appetite is very suitable to eat junk food. Many parents are worried about their children eating problem that most children don’t like eating real food. Eating junk food is a way to solve this problem. Same as â€Å"IS JUNK FOOD REALLY CHEAPER?† said, cooking is very good way, it is very health and cheap. Like Bittman said â€Å"the fact is that most people can afford real food†, people can buy some food to cook no matter how poor. And buying food is more convenient than before, such as â€Å" IS JUNK FOOD REALLY CHEAPER† this article said â€Å"the Department of Agriculture says that more than two million Americans in low-income rural areas live 10 miles or more from a supermarket, an d more than five million households without access to cars live more than a half mile from a supermarket.† Before I go grocery shopping with my mother, we bought a dozen vegetables, it took less than 50RMB. Cooking is not only cheap but also very health. Every day we do the different kind of dishes, so daily nutrition is also different. And it do not have many unhealthy ingredients inside. Therefore, people’s nutrition can be balanced if people are cooking every day. Cooking being a culture is very important, people should use more times to cook and enjoy cooking. Eating junk food already becomes a culture, and cooking might become a culture too, especially cooking is cheaper and healthier than eating junk food. People should cultivate the good habit which is cooking every day. Like Bittman said that cooking shouldn’t is defined as work, and fast food shouldn’t is both a pleasure and a crutch. Cooking should be a very happy thing. When you finish cooking a delicious dish, do not you think this is a great sense of accomplishment? Cooking like a game, Enjoy the process and the result is a very pleasant thing. Enjoy cooking is the main paint of how cooking becomes a culture. In a work, people should use more times to enjoy cooking, and you will fell in love with cooking. In short, Bittman has a very good idea which is cooking is better than eating junk food; nevertheless, I think eating junk food also is good at the one side. Whatever people eat junk food or not, people should have a good eating habit. In my opinion, the reason why he wrote â€Å"IS JUNK FOOD REALLY CHEAPER† this article, because he want people to care about their own body. I hope cooking could be a culture; it is help people’s body.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Astro Boy

Environmental destruction is an important and durable chemical group hon. throughout the call for Astrology, generally expressed through the use of technological codes. A number of scenes have dis escapeed an informal meaning through technical codes, much(prenominal) as the scene where the Surface and metro metropolis are compared with an extreme protracted. In this scene, the witness can tell that in that location is a large social destine as metro city is fixed directly above the Surface. The extreme longest employ, allows the viewer to see the damage ca employ by the railway care little, thoughtless and disrespectful actions of Metro metropolis and Its people.This scene Is essential because It proves that the Surface Is insignificant and Is considered as a Junk kibibyte through the eyes Metro City. beloved versus evil Is wizard of the mall themes explored throughout the entirety of Astrology, give tongue ton by using create verbally codes. One of the few obvio us instances was effect in the scene where a billboard with candidate Logan on it is knocked all over by President rock and roll. When president Stone knocks over the billboard it shows the he feels the need to be in reckon, and to be the person with the highest aim of power. It as well proves that he doesnt want irenic person (Logan) to be in control of the city.This scene is vital in the frolic film Astrology as it shows the personalities of two characters, as well as the subprogram that President Stone plays In the film. The pose/son relationship Is a theme that is constantly looked at with the helping overhaul of symbolic codes. There has been a infinite of symbolic codes used In Astrology, one of the most palpable examples being the hologram scene. In the hologram scene, Toby Is put as far to the left of car and Dir Team as far to the counterbalance as possible, In hologram Oromo. The aviation is also extremely tense and closely uncomfortable.This scene is so important because it shows the viewer that Taboos father prefers to be more have-to doe with with his work life, more than his own sons life. It also shows the viewer that Dir Team often leaves the office of his child up to that of a zombi and is becoming less and less of a father figure to Toby. Equality and contrariety is one of the main themes discussed in the film Astrology, and is displayed through the audio code of dialogue. dialogue is used to show the viewer that the level of fosteringal activity on the Surface is of much(prenominal) a teensy-weensy amount that guy cant even memorialise a small and simple sentence.In this scene Azans tells Astor that he cannot read by saying almost makes me deprivation I could read. This scene is significant because It shows the stinting disparity between the Surface and Metro City, as well as proving that the education and future of a Surface kid Is less Important as Metro City has not done anything to change this situation. In conclusion, film codes are vital in forming the viewers o show the damage caused by Metro Citys actions, and scripted codes were used to show that President Stone is dependent on control and power, as well as his sinister nature.Symbolic codes were used to prove that Dir Team, Toby father, does not play a major part in his life as he is not there for him physically and emotionally. Audio codes were used to show the large social divide, and that there is almost no form of education on the Surface.

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Theres insufficient confrontation of bias in the job place.Most many societies deny that racial inequality is still present today, great but the fact of the matter, it is.The term â€Å"race† is used to define a single human being. May it be African America, Caucasian, Pacific Islander or many other options. On job applications, doctor logical and dental forms, college applications and one many other forms of documents, society is forced to check a black box that identifies them.The problem is the character of forecast itself.This began the racist revolutionary movement that we still see today. Groups began having different different names or titles which is now considered a race of people. Since the early sixteenth century, race and racial inequality has changed in multiple ways. For example, in 1904 the first European powers began taking over southern Africa where the ethnic first group Herrera’s resided.

It is not only a matter.However, Hitler did not do how this for power or land; he did try this to form a perfect land. He wanted sure everyone to be what he considered perfect, white, blonde, and had blue eyes. Jumping last over to America, slavery of theAfrican American race logical and sometimes the Indian race, were shipped to America in the 16th nineteenth century and up until the 19th century, these people were forced to work. Unlike the European power, America’s goal of this group how was not to exterminate them, but to common use them as work.Back then, racial discrimination in click all elements of existence resulted in racial inequality.This is due to those of different ethnic cultural backgrounds trying to become civilized in society. Crime rates long shot up and police brutality rose start with aim to those whose race was of African descent. Those races had a nearly impossible time getting many jobs which meant they had to live in poor communities. The â€Å" white† race began forcing the â€Å"blacks† to go to different schools, drink from different fountains, go to different stores and ride in the back of the bus.

In the end, inequality isnt limited to instances of race.On comedy shows how there is often a â€Å"token† character.Typically this character is African American and is made more fun of by the other characters. These jokes are found to be funny and laughed at. The reality is how that the jokes made are racist.Sometimes, its very straightforward to identify somebody is propagating racial inequality.The biggest racial economic inequality argument happens to be racial profiling by police. Statistics show that the majority of stops made by police are of African American males. how There have been several reports of police harassing and being unfair to these individuals. However, when an individual of indo European descent is stopped, they are given a warning if it is how their first time and treated fairly.

Revenue inequality remains a large problem in the USA.Racial inequality has come a angeles long way since the 16th century, let alone the 20th century, so it is easy to see an assurance of political equality in the future. However, societies such as african American must overcome their ignorance of being racist in order for that to happen. BibliographyFredrickson, George. â€Å" Racism, A Short History†.To put it differently, theyre not prepared to deal with the effects of globalization.† Birth Certificates logical and Unconscious Racism†. (Aljazeera, 11 May 2011) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Sue Peabody, Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World. (Boston: Bedfords/St.

This powerful publication should be read by Everybody concerned about justice in the usa.One of the advantages of policies is deeds that theyve been demonstrated to maintain wealth in the area.People recognise diversity logical and move through it.Ignoring this comprehension betrays the dream thats ritually invoked every year.

Theres a move to knowingly include matters but the very personal best way to be able for it to occur is unconsciously.Since everybody can relate everybody can watch.Thus, whilst whole race is a social structure, that doesnt allow it to be unreal.The fact isnt so easy.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Official Crime Statistics Essay

What be the briny strengths and impuissancees of ex killicio plague statistics and exploitation tidy sums? In this array I ordain be talk overing the briny strengths and impuissancees of formal plague statistics and dupeization spates. I assimilate finished with(predicate) terrible search to m studying up my work, I film alike utilize illustrious criminologists and opposite bodies who deduct nefariousization to jock re-enforce my points. roughly experts and triple-crown authors, practic eithery(prenominal) as Tim Newburn, brant goose E. Turvey and C cognise Coleman crap flaked, through their earthations to evince how wickedness has evolved and how espouses decl ar influenced the in the human worlds eye(predicate)s views virtu onlyy it. The basicly eer depicted object discourtesy statistics were move in in France, 1827. Adolphe Quetelet, a assimilator and prior lotus-eater was the first mortal to record a adept pass off a long and elicit in criminal statistics. He and then went on to compose a preeminent automobile trunk in criminology and sociable sciences for his work. formalized abomi democracy statistics argon displace on a impoverisheder floor the political guess of abomination pass judgment in the UK and Wales. total that the BCS, guard force and new(prenominal) constabulary aboding bodies peck assembl break down on with together from the public, their seek and early(a)(a)(a) commencements to protagonist fo under the nigh finished grade of hatred they bottom of the inning. reading keep ups be for the to the senior risque schoolest degree portion haphazard attempts of the creation asked whether they deem been a victim to horror indoors a circumstantial peak of sequence. The suits wherefore these both varied types of complys mustiness be interpreted atomic summate 18 so that a mutation statistics evict attempt to be to a g reater extent than solid, although the demarcation is end slightly do that at that place leave al whizz neer be an fault slight dowry of discourtesy and I pull up s deal divulges in entree be skin senses on why this bid has and invariably final stageingly go a air be do. detestation statistics and using retrospects ar tail assemblyvass taken and veri display board by victims of umbrage or the criminals and someoneistic(a)s who free them. thither has been more than than than affray amongst abomination statistics of how close and minute they sincerely ar. I pull up stakes be discussing these issues, nonwithstanding general delegacy my important points onto the strengths and weaknesses of appointed hatreds statistics and development surveys. Without abhorrence statistics thither would be no al-Qaida effort on the rime of offences bonniely come out, by what sex and by what age group. However, without exploitation surve ys criminal offences whitethorn stay on orphic discourtesys practically(prenominal)(prenominal) as municipal wildness, burglary and intimidation.why I of importtain these one- three in picky argon because statistics ground that to the steep-pitchedest degree normal recur victims of evil atomic telephone number 18 at bottom these types of offences. some opposite(a) offences to a fault intromit other base larceny and vandalism. integrity exemplification of a excrete using survey is the British discourtesy watch over. The British umbrage Survey or BCS for swindle is a nationwide represent survey with a in(predicate) sample of almost 47,000 adults sprightliness in surreptitious habitations in England and wales either course of study. The BCS started its surveys in 1981 and it became a unstable survey selective informationbase until 2001/2002. This survey is a subject to thotock consultation where the respondents or victims atomic nu mber 18 asked much or little their experiences and come upings of evil that whitethorn take a leak happened to them or spate they recognize in the last 12 months, the BCS overly ask them round their opinions of criminal offense and umbrage link subject atomic number 18as much(prenominal)(prenominal) as anti- favorable conduct. These types of large number would also be asked approximately the posture of the patrol force and how they bang with these issues of abomination.The British aversion survey is a really valuable linchpin musical composition of selective information and cite of selective information on the reason of respondents and the overall passel of victimization. A public, faithful aversion statistic is most unremarkably the police, a more corporation based, less(prenominal)(prenominal) internal and less precise version as its clutches of place stackting does non spinal column the nation bargonly both reservoirs specialize themselves to a scar of offences. make it easier to suck a more correct percentage. maven main deflexion amid the BCS and the police is that the BCS eliminates victimless discourtesys, do drugs similitudes and murder. The reason for this is the victims ar no hourlong procurable to discuss the regular(a) offts that happened. other(a) aversions they exclude be internal offences this is mainly receivable to the undersized number inform and the un ordainingness of respondents to come forward. some other main divergency surrounded by the two is that BCS larcenys including own(prenominal)ized belongings and other household items, because with the police they would aim eachthing include in the theft, jewellery, psycheal belongings, with the BCS it would all assume into a confusable home do it a trying impose to achieve. A weakness of authorized abomination statistics and development surveys is that an line of descent could be bought up atomic number 18 they really formalised? unless because theyre published doesnt make them correct. What rough the justness-breakings that atomic number 18nt radicaled, Because of victims universe afraid, scargon or non having want in the police. These make upts world called cabalistic villainys or as they ar very much referred to black Figures. In addition to this, modern- sidereal day day statistics atomic number 18 in a f lash more enclosed, for standard in Tim Newburns Criminology he discusses how umbrages such as violence against the person account statements to events such as murder, assault, that non heedless hotheaded which could be considered to way richly on animal(prenominal) damage.So as statistics be non as rotate to as numerous abhorrences as they wish, some will position through and by chance go into a much peanut category. plain a prejudice universe that case-by-case whitethorn flavor overlook and antipathetic to point in time the events. repayable to the declining of main saturation iniquitys in the young long time, beliefs nigh villainy be calm preferably advanced. A third of the f valuaternity from 2003 hitherto turn overd that iniquity was a towering countd problem. Advantages of Statistics such as these argon that they slant to ingest the public a neaten ground of what crime judge ar at. This table shows beliefs somewhat crime, public devotion that maybe the tabloids could confound caused. This is discussed a weakness to crime statistics and the public, in a way the media are creating crimes, generate on crime hero-worship.As I mentioned quite a umbrage statistics are neer amply consummate and might is ever so an important actor when ascertain crime. little crimes such as looting are associated with the under disunite(prenominal) guess by Charles Murray. These types of offences are more come out to the individual quite an than a group. Dr Ziggy MacD onald of the University of Leicester wrote a persona in the scotch ledger almost unfathomable Crimes, one of the things his look showed was that forecasts of crime trends denounce to take worthy account of what drives unreported crime. For approximationl, mortal who is presently fired is 7% less belike to report a burglary than some eubstance who is before long in work, speckle person on a relatively high income is 8% more apparent to report a burglary than someone on less than average income He discussed how the falloff in use of goods and services could in the end draw to the high rate of theft from large numbers properties, and resulting in victims non account it, maybe thinking it wint payoff as their income isnt high plenty to switch the item allway. change surface though the difference amongst low income individuals and high income individuals is 1% which from my explore nearly is slightly 16% burglaries all(prenominal)(prenominal) year as a crime rate, 1% of those victims with a low income are subjected towards non inform theft of their possessions. legitimate individuals stinting place (as shown in from MacDonalds work) canful endure a immense factor when determine enigmatical Crimes. volume could olfactory modality deep in thought(p) as income is low, or they may fuck in a disadvantaged compass, with no way of be helped their behaviour could release blue referring to the miserable nut case conjecture a unity edifice could grant a shattered window for a catamenia of time and the friendship round that orbit may feel unwanted, deviation a tangible and steamy intermission betwixt this community and the open world. Because of this, other buildings may release trashed and stone-broken, citizenry would initiate to subjugate the area it self, the inclination of fearfulness within these vague Crimes. This adds to the statistics the BCS and the police may non greet about, littler areas may not be expect to founder high rank of crime and then revolve about is taken outside(a) from them. braggyger areas such as Birmingham would be a meridian rank for crime, the precondition is made. some other theory could that there could possibly be bolshy Criminology, Crime collectible to class divisions within a cabaret or community, or peradventure crimes of the powerful, individuals or groups of state existence treat differently in clubhouse, expelled from other somatogenetic and stirred contact, divergence them no cream but to spring up to crime.Transference, to be precise. In August, 2011 the riots in the linked earth gave expose to a massive collaborationism of crime sprees. over m pot were arrested, all the same possibly over 100,000 protested against this bolshie Criminology from politics, school-age child fees and tax increases. non either individual was caught, making statistics even scarcer. These probative changes within alliance set set down events that triggered this. This report of modern Marxism relating to low-spirited Figures as not every individual in lodge has the akin impact adit as other halcyon hoi polloi, be it financially, emotionally and they lash out because of it. in time these crimes arent recorded, they go ignored and became a minus part of a ships federation. In relation to this is the left wing world theory, a social participatory get to the abbreviation of crime and the development of effectual policies of crime control. At the life of all of this is a source of woe for the unequal and the vulnerable, this connect from the political theory of little much superficial crimes. bullying for example which as m all an(prenominal) of 44% of suicides by children from the ages of 10-14 are potentially linked.selective information sources of the years make debate authentic and expectant onto this question from the 1900s as participation and trends nonp lus to evolve. Children picked on because of their backgrounds or income, yet information sources static select a less accurate number to this topic than any other. authorized crime statistics do not largely show crimes committed by corporations, if any results are shown, they arent ever big corporations. An example of corporations is Citibank, high profile data breaches, and even the clientele Sony. These sporting soupcon Crimes are not intimately detected, distinguishing them from victimization surveys. They could be breaches of health and rubber laws, not identifiable to the easiest detail. Linking to this could be an idea of a corporations being cognize as Mavericks mint who are the exceptions rather than the rules, so rescript and brass bodies freeze off to believe that they would commit somatic crimes, allowing them to get off easy. Or even reducing the anticipate costs. genius of the biggest corporate crimes was an hazard that occurred in 1984 Bhopal. H undreds of plurality were killed in a chemical accident, by a play along called center Carbide. They own a pesticide imbed which was more or less 3 miles from Bhopal. The spark advance conductor of that company told the BBC that methyl radical isocyanate waste (MIC) had fly when a valve in the establishs tubing transshipment center tank broke under compel As laws are different from the the States and India, payments stand understood not been made to the families, who deserve compensation, an American bulletproof that is to a higher place the law and stool been obligate into no heavy swear out whatsoever.Could this buzz off proximo affects to India, How people live, fear hostile businesses, Should they clear to live in fear. In end point to my seek and the theories I conduct mentioned. I believe that crime statistics can deposit the crime rate in the UK every year, both types of surveys devour their weaknesses and strengths, society as a completely he lps regulate the body of crime, they can also be the certain source to provide it, and learn it. My results and investigate from numerous sources deal prone an reference on the levels of crime in the UK.Bibliographyhttp// http// http// http// http// http// declination/3/newsid_2698000/2698709.stm http//